The longest journey begins with an open Heart

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses

On this thin layer of ice, and on that night that followed a few months earlier, in August, I thought I found my love.

She was that big fat golden fish that kissed me slurpingly that night and there and then and after caressing my head, and hair, and sight with stars infinite on the skies. I have been counting comets and made her a poem an before I could tell her that one she slipped away and back into that pond.

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses STARWHEEL

On the other side, across the lake, and by the opposite dock, a bit to the left on the grassy shore, that night and there and then he was meditating, and all the time while we were there, experiencing love, he was chanting ooooom, oooom, oooommmmm ..

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses STARWHEEL
I am your G-d >>

His two wives were silent in the nearby forests, just observing. One with red eyes and the other, with the red all across her claws.

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses STARWHEEL

Then, at some point in time, and out of the forest, the two wives of his embraced on me as their piece of prey and feasted on my body with the greatest of all pleasures, the one with red eyes tearing my young flesh with her terrifying looks, slurpy jaws, and an appetite for divine, and the other wife, with her red shiny claws, tearing my flesh as with sharp knives and scalpels of yet unseen surgeons from hell itself, precisely slicing pieces of my innocent flesh, for the skin and bones to pieces, as before, and none left after. They cooked my heart at the very end, supposedly, as they told me later, for a dessert of a dream they feasted on, the most.

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses STARWHEEL

Then in that momentary silence, I might have been slightly unaware but not catatonic, which followed their sanctifying feast and the sacrifice, it made me what I am today and am but yet still, to become.

Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses STARWHEEL

I still love you wholeheartedly my dearest big fat golden fish. And your eternal kiss, if I may admit, was the juiciest ever experienced.

Titled: Two Years to Pass for the Big Fat Golden Fish by The Pond of All Stars and Kisses
To the series: hashem a la carte | shalom einz zwei drei

Partially dedicated to Vesna V & the double you && Noemi V L & the very secret && to the two unnamable others, for the one who transgressed & passed, but did not end, and for the one who might end & who's about to transgress but not pass by the very passing. 2 years to go.

#actsofmantraom #actsofirreversibility #actsofdisobedience