Based off: A Thanksgiving Eve Message from Michael Moore
A quick question: very true Michael Moore but what you've never had you cannot want or ?
maybe not wanting enough Michael Moore ?

Hawley S.: Thank you Michael for always telling it like it is. After i watched Fahrenheit 9/11 i felt sick about the many ways, revealed in the film , that the Dems had squandered the loyalty of, and outright betrayed poor and vulnerable Americans. Dem leaders keep believing if they present themselves as GOP lite, they deserve to rule. But the legions of embittered and disaffected formerly Dem voters no longer believe anything they say…not even Kamala who Michael rightly describes as the most intelligent person to ever have run for president. I really hope the Democratic leadership can figure this out and learn some lessons…and above all I hope there’s still time. (See more?)
Holly E.: "I refuse to live in a country like this -- and I'm not going anywhere."
Maralyn S.: Excellent read and this is the best quote ever from the article…
“Trump is currently forming — it’s like one of us wrote this script and he is unbelievably following it to the exact word! The Wrestling Lady will run our schools! The guy who beheads a whale, straps it to the top of his car and drops a dead bear he wanted to eat off in Central Park will be in charge of all our Health and Human Services! The weekend guy on Fox and Friends will be in charge of our 2 million soldiers and launching our nuclear missiles! And we actually got one of our own, an ex-Bernie campaigning Congresswoman who we all know really well, a crazed but lovely Hawaiian who looked higher than you at that Phish concert, to be in charge of all of our spy agencies!”
Brian O'N.: But shouldn’t it be the aspiration of all Americans, especially progressives? Over time your country has changed and in spite of what you say there are things that were common in America’s past that are common no more. The cost in getting there has been high, in too many cases very high. If you turn your back on those aspirants and those aspirations, you abandon the promise of America and leave it to the barbarians.
Lev B.: This was the righteous election outcome whether you like it or not. Your attack on the moral character of Americans who disagreed with you does not help your case.
Geraldine D.: Well, at least this makes me feel a little better!
Trump didn't win the Popular Vote! Again!
"This morning it was announced that it appears the final count may now be in — and Trump has FAILED to win a majority of the popular vote. His final total, as of now, will be under 50% — or 49.83%.
This was no landslide. It was the smallest percentage of a popular vote victory in a Presidential election since Richard Nixon in 1968."
Geraldine D.: The America I Want to Save Is the America We’ve Never Had >>>