A greeting to the great fist?
Or a fist to the great greeting?
What will it be?
You know, we discussed
on the premises of time
about the options ant hand
so, how else to put it than this:
before, now and later?
You want it now?
Please let's step out of it first.
Let's step out!
Get out!
(a rattle chain appears and a saw chain, and a hammer and a scythe and lots of rattlin-doo-we-do stuff which seems quite dangerous but same from afar as from a very close, unsafe distance. indeed)
A greeting to the great fist!
You're welcome.
actsofthegreatfist #actsofdisobedience #capitulationofthetime
everything is possible, jawji, until it is not impossible. From a distance, a gunshot was heard, but it was not the only one, so not dangerous.