"Tu se pojavlja grenko sladka kombinacija tega nenavadnega vesolja, ki me je zaposlovala od ranega otroštva. Ta zgodba o žalostno - čudoviti usodi, ki vedno poskrbi da določeni detajli ostanejo nedotaknjeni, in v kateri zbledi vse ostalo je bila "moja" zgodba, ki sem jo v dramatskih monologih uprizarjal z določenimi otroci,pri katerih sem čutil to povezanost, ki je obsojena na dolgo slovo."
/* E C C E */
Midva sva potem uporizorila konec sveta. Ne tega sveta. Ampak bilo katere moznosti sveta. In sanje so postale trdne. Napete. Obarvane cokoladno.
In po njih stenah krepile so se temne, pod povrsjem globoko modre vene. In vene so utripale s krvjo. In sanje so stale tako. Pokoncno. In nisi jim videl konca. In po njih si drsal. Kot z neke vrste vero. In z lahkoto. Vsega bivanjskega so smer, in smisel. Cilj. A ni se konca. Konec se kar traja..
In takrat je postal ta trenutek ko je še povezanost, ko je še vse v redu, a v prihodnosti je že
vse pripravljeno vse nared za povsem nove konstelacije, in popolno prekinitev, ta trenutek je
ostal kot posebna svetloba.
In ta tragično radostno slavnostni občutek imam tudi sedaj, in mi je seveda mnogo ljubši kot
nekakšna jeza, ali realizem nekakšnih pohlepov ali domišljavosti.
To je svet ki ga imam rad, svet ki odpre sončno okno za hip, a istočasno jasno pove da v tem
svetu tega v resnici nikoli ni, tu so druge reči.
Ja, redki so bili ljudje ob katerih sem praznoval to dolgo slovo, ki je slovo večnega obeta,
tam onkraj, ki se ga doseže samo s polno žrtvijo.
Še vedno samo poizkušam dojeti, enostavno ne morem res verjeti.
A dejstva so jasna, vse do sedaj, vse do tega trenutka sedaj so dejstva jasna in neomajna.
G-D = F00D
Look past the gates of Saturn.
"What do you see?"
G-D = F00D
Give up your desire to see.
Give up your desire to fulfill.
Give up your desire to be.
𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
Creation stories tell us who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. They not only describe the origins of the world in a distant past, but they encapsulate a culture’s self-understanding in story form, offering insight into how different societies made sense of the human condition across history.
There are myths from Mesopotamia, such as the Babylonian Creation Epic (Enuma Elish) and the Atrahasis Epic; literary traditions from ancient Egypt, including the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts, and the Memphite Theology; an early Greek view of creation as represented in Hesiod’s Theogony; lesser known texts such as the Hurro-Hittite Kumarbi Cycle and the Ugaritic Baal Cycle; and, of course, the biblical creation accounts of Genesis 1 and 2.
As an example of the kinds of insights that one can glean from these stories, consider the opening lines of the Babylonian Creation Epic, known in antiquity as Enuma Elish:
When the heavens above had not been named,
nor the earth beneath been called by name,
there was Apsu, the pre-eminent, their begetter,
and creator Tiamat, who bore them all;
they mixed their waters together,
before pastures had formed and reed thickets had appeared.
When none of the gods had been made manifest,
nor been called by name, nor destinies decreed,
the gods were created in the midst of them.
#actsofdisobedience #actsofsaturnreturn #actsofirresponsibledivinity #actsofcomprehension #actsofparallelisation #actsofdisobedience #actsofliberation