Lady of all powers,
In whom light appears,
Radiant one
Beloved of Heaven and Earth,
Priestess of the Highest God,
My Lady, you are the guardian
Of all greatness.
Your hand holds the seven powers:
You lift the powers of being,
You have hung them over your finger,
You have gathered the many powers,
You have clasped them now
Like necklaces onto your breast.

U našem je medijskom prostoru, inače, "zločin kakav ne pamtimo" obezvrijeđen izraz. U stvarnosti to najčešće samo znači da se tako nešto nije dogodilo otprilike mjesec dana. Poklao je cijelu obitelj, ubio majku sjekirom, silovao 90-godišnjakinju, likvidirao cijelo selo kalašnjikovom, tjerao ljude u podrume i spaljivao ih, bombardirao gradsku bolnicu avionom, opkolio grad i pobio deset tisuća ljudi. Ako su ovi zločini iz naše crne kronike takvi da ih se ne sjećamo, to nije zato što se nikada prije u našem životu nisu dogodili, nego zato što ih se – kako sama riječ kaže – nismo sjetili. Svi ovi zločini su, ukratko, zločini kojih se ne sjećamo iz jednostavnog razloga - naši narodi imaju loše pamćenje.
Like a dragon,
You poisoned the land—
When you roared at the earth
In your thunder,
Nothing green could live.
A flood fell from the mountain:
You, Inanna,
Foremost in Heaven and Earth.
Lady riding a beast,
You rained fire on the heads of men.
Taking your power from the Highest,
Following the commands of the Highest,
Lady of all the great rites,
Who can understand all this is yours?

Po nedavni raziskavi neodvisne organizacije World Population Review je Srbija po oborožitvi civilistov četrta sila na svetu. Pred njo so ZDA, Jemen in Nova Kaledonija. Srbija je z 39 kosi orožja na 100 prebivalcev tudi prva v Evropi. Matematika je preprosta in ni nujno, da je človek minister, da to izračuna. Po zadnjem popisu prebivalcev je bilo Srbiji 51 odstotkov žensk in 49 odstotkov moških, med katerimi je 20 odstotkov otrok, starih do 14 let. Kar pomeni, da je od sto prebivalcev Srbije 49 moških, od katerih je 10 dečkov, mlajših od 14 let. Na tistih 39 dolgih in kratkih cevi torej ostane – samo trenutek, da izračunam – točno 39 odraslih moških in starejših mladoletnikov. Na kratko, dojeli ste, statistično imata vsak moški in vsak oče v Srbiji doma pištolo.
In the forefront
Of the battle,
All is struck down by you—
O winged Lady,
Like a bird
You scavenge the land.
Like a charging storm
You charge,
Like a roaring storm
You roar,
You thunder in thunder,
Snort in rampaging winds.
Your feet are continually restless.
Carrying your harp of sighs,
You breathe out the music of mourning.

Enako tako zelo dobesedno, verjetno zato, da publika lažje dojame, so očetje v tretjem dejanju vzeli orožje z zida, ga potisnili otrokom v roke in jih naučili streljati. Kako je to orožje prišlo na zid, nihče več ne vpraša, niti se ne spomni. Prvo dejanje je bilo v Srbiji namreč odigrano že preveč dolgo nazaj. Bil je to zločin, ki ga ne pomnimo.
It was in your service
That I first entered
The holy temple,
I, Enheduanna,
The highest priestess.
I carried the ritual basket,
I chanted your praise.
Now I have been cast out
To the place of lepers.
Day comes,
And the brightness
Is hidden around me.
Shadows cover the light,
Drape it in sandstorms.
My beautiful mouth knows only confusion.
Even my sex is dust.

What once was chanted of Nanna,
Let it now be yours—
That you are as lofty as Heaven,
Let it be known!
That you are as wide as the Earth,
Let it be known!
That you devastate the rebellious,
Let it be known!
That you roar at the land,
Let it be known!
That you rain your blows on their heads,
Let it be known!
That you feast on corpses like a dog,
Let it be known!
That your glance is lifting toward them,
Let it be known!
That your glance is like striking lightning,
Let it be known!
That you are victorious,
Let it be known!
That this is not said of Nanna
It is said of you—
This is your greatness.
You alone are the High One.

Gotovo 14-godišnjak iz elitne škole na Vračaru nije došao iz problematične obitelji, niti iz redova bahate beogradske zlatne djece koja njeguju “zapadne vrijednosti” i u školu dolaze u žutim Lamborghinijima. On je sin uglednog beogradskog liječnika, sramežljiv dječak i odličan učenik, koji je, kako doznajemo, petkom bio sam, išao na satove igre, išao na natjecanja iz matematike, a lani je sudjelovao na općinskom natjecanju iz povijesti. Ukratko, bio je štreber, idealna žrtva vršnjačkog nasilja i meta nasilnika, zbog čega je, ne manje važno, ove godine promijenio razrede i školske smjene. Na kraju je okidač bila djevojka iz povijesti. Bijesan zbog šale, uzeo je dva očeva pištolja, uletio u školu, ustrijelio profesoricu povijesti i tako pomračena uma krenuo u osvetu školskim kolegama, školi i cijelom svijetu.
O my Lady,
Beloved of Heaven,
I have told your fury truly.
Now that her priestess
Has returned to her place,
Inanna's heart is restored.
The day is auspicious,
The priestess is clothed
In beautiful robes,
In womanly beauty,
As if in the light of the rising moon.
The gods have appeared
In their rightful places,
The doorsill of Heaven cries "Hail!"
Praise to the destroyer endowed with power,
To my Lady enfolded in beauty.
Praise to Inanna.
from The Hymn to Inanna
The Poetry of Gods by Enheduanna - The First Known Female Writer
It is not always easy to read the stories of real people from the artifacts they left behind. This is especially true if they lived 5,000 years ago. However, the story of a remarkable woman from that era is surprisingly well known from archaeological and textual resources.
The Sumerian site of Ur is still one of the most fascinating of the large archaeological sites located near the Euphrat and Tigris Rivers. A woman who composed at least 42 hymns dedicated to the temples of Sippar, Esnunna, Eridu and many others lived in this impressive city. When Mesopotamia was a land of ziggurats and old gods, a woman known as Enheduanna wrote some of the most meaningful poems in history – the first known examples of real poetry.
Tablets of the Temple Hymns.