The longest journey begins with an open Heart

From The Original Books of Eunuch

From The Original Books of Eunuch

From the original book of Eunuch
Passage 9:55 A.M

"You have to understand one thing son", he said to him, "those Jews like to kill people for their passover. That is their cause. They enjoy it the most. They are bloodthirsty."

He looked at him, thinking "What is he trying to say?", to himself.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

And after a short pause, he continued, "But one thing is certain, and I'd like you to know, for whatever cause son just do not be afraid. You know, ", he added, "you have nothing to loose. But just look at those two poor souls that those Israeli killed just last night, during their jewish passover observation. It has been bloody again. So here's the proof - Those two lost everything, and everyone mourns."

A moment of silence just pulsed between them.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

He continued, "As that is their so called jewish offering since the beginning. As they are the criminals who threatened to kill the very pharaohs son a long time ago. And they did, then, a whole mess and abduction of truth. And they did then, slaughter but their own, just to show as a proof to the pharaoh of what they're capable of. But that wasn't a proof at all, just a straight criminal act. Of extortion, abuse and misdemeanor. And in reality, it didn't even happen. It was all but a setup. An act of nullifying treason."

"And what happened then?", he asked him politely, with an interesting scent of fear in the air.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

He smelled a scent of fear in the air, so he continued gently, "You do not need to be afraid dear, you have nothing to fear. It is all but a story about a criminal act and how it has been committed and how the criminals are still on the run and how they are trying to avoid their own persecution by accusing all others for the suffering they originally caused and later made up. And do not be afraid for the reason as they enjoy that a lot and they actually take a great pleasure from others being afraid which gives them great right to continue. But are they really right to do so? Just think!"

Silence followed again. A few thoughts consumed, a few lost.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

He added, maybe to just to assure him, "And they should have been persecuted from the beginning for that very reason. But no. They went on and invented that whole story of splitting the seas, and later on of a great suffering they caused and then took onto themselves for the reasons to keep the victimized nations at their disposal to never object to anything what they wrote, but they say cannot be changed, and to the fact they are slaves slaves that escaped, causing great harm, and the children of slaves that committed a crime long time ago, but still, today. Every single day."

He looked a little bit more, but assuring.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

He murmured something unreasonable, but he continued, "Just go on, be courageous and tell them - You are slaves, you do not deserve attention. Your books are a fraud, books can be changed. But you cannot change the fact you are slaves, sons and daughters of slaves, and that you committed a big crime and that the pharaoh never even minded about you insulting his royalty. No. He never even noticed you. The pharaoh has never heard of you, no matter what you wrote in your books."

Then it happened, immediately.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

In that moment it got dark. Very dark. The three dogs of the ancient Anubis ran past. The two didn't know what just happened, but it was an omen of that very day. When the three dogs of Anubis pass by, the first one chases the heart, the second is chasing the brain, and the third dog is chasing any remnants of the existent or non-existent life to locate and destroy.

From The Original Books of Eunuch STARWHEEL

The mouth of the mourning day are open wide. And the death is a welcoming spirit. No one can never just say goodbye before not passing her eternal scales.

The two weren't completely sure what just happened, but they accepted the dark.

The two men nodded and fallen asleep as in some sort of a prophetic vision. No one has ever saw them again. One was later seen to be riding a black dog of the heart. One was seen to be riding a dog of the bran. And the third dog was ridden by no one else but the beauty, eternal, and life, unlimited.

Tell them they're not allowed to pay you, you'll see:
