The longest journey begins with an open Heart

Spectacular Violence of Easters

Spectacular Violence of Easters

It is a commemoration of a tortured spirit.
A child of life they molested.
As to the story, they caused it greatest of pains
and for the suffering, they took it from him,
saying: he was false, we suffer!
and put onto themselves, the dust,
to bathe in their own choosiness
full of rights, as of their own victim,
as an excuse, to waive for centuries
of utterly wrong, inhumane, absolute doing.
And they call it: this holiday, an easter!?
That's easter!
after the rabbit
with red eyes
and the blood
full of suffering
by the rusty nails and broken pieces
of bread on the table
of torturous groups
and the children
crying for mothers
from holes buried deep
not enough?
one can still hear the echoes of children
crying in choirs, they call, angelic?
the terrible silence is necessary!
this holiday of abuse must end.
or do we still live in the 15th century?
do we?

Spectacular Violence of Easters STARWHEEL


(prefaced saints)

This is but one of the beauties that I recently received as an SMS from a jewish person by the name of andrew douglas, a member of jewish community. He has been referred to me in 2021 by rabbi levi of the brisbane jewish synagogue, to work with. For that I've been to a degree grateful to rabbi and helpful, but only until a degree of beauty doesn't spill over and out of proportion with studies we needed to conduct and for which I did join the synagogue, honourably, based on a conscious choice and by paying my entry into their schule in brisbane in 2021. Such a beauty it is.
But next to this terrible beauty, I appreciate it as a gift of a very special realm.
Please do not misunderstand me if saying that I have never, ever, even possibly imagine a beauty so greatly outside any humanely possible proportions. But have experienced much more!
Therefore we say that you won't get misticism but we will issue you with a receipt.
And therefrom, please excuse me, I paid my respect, including with my personal information which you now hold hostage agaist me? And the personal information was of three other's that vouched for me?
And I paid you the money you requested of me before I joined your study course in 2021?
And I loved it, please bear with me.
And the wolves? they despise it!
And the snakes? they're very upset.
And the sharks? they want blood!
Right now I'm calming my animals, as always, for good that of will, this for sure, do arise from the abstaining acts of yet unseen violence.
Imagine the violence that is shown, on your tellies or the violence you spectaculate in the movies.
Your movies!
Not of that kind. No!
But the animals really cannot stay hungry? Or what do you think?
The presented SMS message has been send and received from them yesterday. Sent from a person Andrew Yochanaan Douglas of the Brisbane Movie Nights company for whom we did a favor by providing them a web application for $1700 which made them $50,000 income in one year.
But they wanted it all and a slave?
So I told them: sorry, i cannot be your slave. With me, you got more: You got a Slav!

Spectacular Violence of Easters STARWHEEL

(historically continued)

It's been your mis-take?

Their thankfulness is greatfold, with abuses of manyfold, as expressed herein. Just fantastic.
And I feel terribly blessed by this terribly beautiful experience which reminds me, right now, deeply, of your easter, and of how the jewish have treated one of their own and caused him great pain and death just to later on take away that suffering from him and took it onto themselves as an excuse to waive against anyone who isn't apologetic for the acts of their choosing, as they're chosen, for the suffering by the blood which they won't share.
And they even funded a new religion.
And they gave you the bible saying you need to read?

Spectacular Violence of Easters STARWHEEL

Refusing receiving a payment from them or calling them slaves are only a two of grave sins in their world.
They'll call you a liar first. And a conman. They'll hold your information against yiu. They'll drag you though all sorts of trouble. Calling you even a molester of children?
They'll crucify you for just objecting the suffering they caused which doesn't belong to them and doesn't exist.

Spectacular Violence of Easters STARWHEEL

Please return now, for bloody easter!
"Please accept my apologies if this might hurt. But only a little pinch here ", said my last dentist. He hasn't been heard of since 🙂

#actsofslavs #actsofreconcilliation #actsofrememberance #actsofdisobedience #nocomment #sehrgefearlich #verydangerous #transgenders