The longest journey begins with an open Heart

Tatachilla Veritas

Tatachilla Veritas

As the man does not count on his friends by the years, but by the bottles of truth which have poisoned every single one of us who drank from it, and of which some endured, but of which we all ultimately, and desperately, failed, failed, failed.

The one, many, many times

See you soon, oh!, guardians of fate.

But never again! As only who did attempt but did not survive did it honestly, with truth. The dearest next three (3) lies.

Tatachilla oh, our poison. Desperating love.

Lest not forget, no forge

Tatachilla Veritas STARWHEEL

Tatachilla Veritas

As the man does not count on his friends by the years, but by the bottles of truth they have drank together. Dedicated to the very good friends. To revive it.

In 2018. For the starters.

#tatachilla #waltznotwalk #beingthrough