The longest journey begins with an open Heart

Out of Human Kindness, Beware!

Out of Human Kindness, Beware!

And I did warn them, out of human kindness, what will happen if they dare to walk close enough. And they must have been possibly deaf, by their insatiable passions that were taught to them so impeccably that they'd be able to step forward and get killed for a little, bloody piece of artificial candy. What are we teaching our kids to become?

Out of Human Kindness, Beware! STARWHEEL
What our children teach us?

Teach them to be monsters but please, beware of the habits that forms. So they dared walking in. And some made it past, some not. See you in hell!

Additionally, our friends, living hell

Good friends are always ready to feast on the offspring of their own decisions.

Out of Human Kindness, Beware! STARWHEEL
Mr Flash and their monstrous Harlequin

And one shall always support their demonic wishes. And now, Mr Wayne and scary Simba were more than ready for the stage of the night. Let's go and spill some of that damn blood. And all the thanks to Wayne Maloney for wearing that wise hat. As without it, crosses might prove difficult to bear. And the shirt looks a genuine artifact. Such a melancholy, and dangerous duo. Get over it, and out! 🙂

#artificialsweeteners #bloodypantecostalists #lostwithbrain