
A requiem for a nightmare showed us some unusually intense sequels. Or was it a Requiem for a Dream, that wanted to tell us same? No matter which it has been, not a dream and not a nightmare will ever help in solving the issues if the immediate reality we are poresented with on a day-to-day basis, and which is, not a dream, not a nightmare, but a daymare.
Every day shall be your last.
Dedicated to Miriam Vasle, and to the whole line of others, that she is guiding on her way through the staircase to hell.
In this case we're cataloging the occurrences of human mind modes and its characteristical character styles producing these commonly conceptualized mishaps and lies in complexes of very much seen consequencing acts of human perplexity with hatred, unloved states of being, and hurt, that is deeper than knofe's cuts, and broader, in society, as the blue mold is on french cheese.
As from the question and comment lines from the 'Ravenčani' private Face***k group, where discussion was opened on Oct 25th, 1:13AM AEST.
Nives Verhovnik asked a question:
"Na Javorniku, pri igrišču z obojkarsko mrežo na klopi, kjer se igrajo NAŠI otroci, je bla najdena okrvavljena injekcija in tampon, sicer brez igle upam, da ne leži kje v travi… Je nisva našla… Bodite pozorni, ce obstaja vsaj % možnosti, da je kje odvržena, previdnost nebo odveč… Injekcijo in pokrovček od igle sma vrgla v koš…
Tomaz Rozen (mayor of the mucipality town of Ravne n/K, Slovenia) Vas pa naprosam v imenu staršev, ce se da karkoli urediti, raziskati? Za naše otroke gre."
42 people reacted to the question, with a Like, Sad and Wow.
Dar Inka (Darinka Raus) was first to reply, shortly: "Žalostno, sam tk veš iz tega ne bo nič dokler se ne zgodi kaj", suggesting the questions on public police force, and legalities of their interceptions impolicitly in the comment.
Nives Verhovnik, the author of the question, quickly replied to Dar Inka's comment with: "Dar Inka ko se bo kaj zgodlo bo prepozno", implicitly suggesting and urging for a broader, and higher urgency to the event mentioned in the question.
Next, Sergej Požarnik, commented: "Upam ,da za to primeren koš🤔 Previdnost ni nikoli odveč😬", missing a 'je', I suppose, in the comment, as probably writing in haste.
Nives Verhovnik replied to Sergej with a simple: "Sergej Požarnik ja", suggesting she (Nives) is of a similar, if not same, opinion. I wonder if she (Nives) is similar in regards to haste.
Then, Darinka Mohorko posted a GiF, below.

Next, Janja Navodnik Ex Laznik, quickly commented: "Groza". No further comments or reply to Janja's here. Ex Laznik, as is her name, implies some special relationships to the topic which aren't to be brought into the daylight, but which, in its nightmares can suggest certain aversion to the topic as from the chosen name.
Then, Marko Čuješ went beserk: "Upam da si je uporabnik dal zlati šus, da bi vsaj ena golazen manj.", suggesting an utterly inapropriate behaviour as to compliment Nives's question with a solution that he (Marko) would suggest.
And I felt a need to reply to him (Marko), which I did: "Marko, to kar omenjate je nizek primer nasilja, ki zahteva opravicilo. Pomislite da bi to lahko bil vas druzinski clan - bi mu zeleli isto? Ker ce bi, potem je s takim odnosom, kot ga izkazujete, nekaj zelo bolj narobe kot s primerom o katerem je govora."
So, and after a while, the mayor himself, Tomaz Rozen joined in with the first comment: "Hvala za opozorilo. Bomo ukrepali v sodelovanju s Policijsko postajo Ravne in drugimi, ki lahko pomagajo, da takšne stvari preprečimo.", as he was addressed and as he needed to reply here, as the private Face***k group as this includes quite a solid voting population which relies on his term in the office and on his super-duper-powers that all the votes, and from all these people, are giving him to oblige to, to vote for and to keep him, softly, or hardly, in his chair
And Nives kindly replied to the mayor (Tomaz): "Tomaz Rozen hvala", which means a lot, no matter how short or long it is, as the thankfulness is enough for any thing to happen.
After that, Matej Žunko kicked in with a briefly longer comment: "Ka pa ce se je sroti sam cepo proti covid tk veš kk so krek pa beovička zaj se na petrol ne smeš več bre pct saj si sama prej vidva. Ga je pa rajtam mavo strah gratavo", implicitly suggesting the nature of the local's character which doesn't take incidents in a consideration any other than subjugating the subject to scrunity of a bad local humour.
And Jelka Čegovnik quickly complimented Matej, and Nives, in that regard: "Ta "nesnaga" ne sodi v koš za odpadke, še vedno pa boljše to, kot da leži na tleh. Upam, da ste bili previdni in uporabili rokavice. ☹", comparing the subject to 'trash' (nesnaga opp), and throwing an other stick on the fire.
And Tanja Leskosek complimented Jelka with: "Ja boljše v koš ,kot da jo najde kakšen otrok ." with a comment not completely clear to be deemed inappropriate.
Then myself came into the game, with a longer reply: "Problem je zakopan globoko v druzbi. In zupan Mag Tomaz Rozen okrog tega ne more mnogo storiti. Ker ni vsemogocen. V zgodovini druzbe. Je zelo neprijetno, ce se take reci dogajajo, a je najbolje, da se organizira druzbeno podporo in ne nasilje v nobeni obliki. In pozornost. Veliko pozornosti je potrebne, ce se zeli druzba, kot taka, in ki ima v sebi globoke rane, zaceliti. Ker socialni problemi so zamo simptomi, oz povrsje, in seveda je potrebno paziti, in hvala bogu opaziti posledice, ampak so posledice le povrsje ene globje, in globoke ranjenosti, ki vase mladostnike, in mladostnike mladih starsev, nagovarja da skrivajo svoje resnicne zelje pod predprogo druzbene ignorance. Seveda, paszite na svoje otroke, saj to morate, ampak, pazite in izkazujte pozornost vsem otrokom, mladostnikom, in mladi druzbi. Samo na tak nacin, in ne preko nobenih institucij, boste dejansko znali resiti probleme, ki vas skrbijo. Saj ne skrbite za kaj vec ali pac? In prosim, brez nasilja. Alarm ja, ampak potem pozornost. In prosim ne kriminalizirajte posledic, ki so globje druzbene narave.", with whatever means words can complement the desire to disarm the intrusive sting.
And complimented the statement with a video that has recently rewarded one of the more talented local musician, who also, quite recently, and as young as he is, followed his brother out of that sad state:
"Posveceno vsem, ki trpijo:"
And finally came in Tanja Leskosek, with a longer, and more pacifying comment that brought up the nature of the whole game, addressing the mayor: "Župan (Tomaz Rozen, mayor) je zato ,da organizira vsako delo ,oziroma prenese naloge na tiste, ki so zadolženi za to . Ne ga zagovarjati ………Rada bi povedala ,da so prejšnji teden narisali kjer so naredili parkirne prostore bele črte Javornik 36,37,38,39 ,pri 40 so narisali invalidski prostor ,pobarvati bi morali še 6 starih črt ,ker se sploh več ne vidijo ,veste kaj so mi rekli ko sem vprašala zakaj niso še
to naredili ,je rekel gospod ….da ni več denarja v proračunu in pridejo na vrsto nasledne leto .Občina ima res lepo ogledalo samo za sebe ,sramota kako polovičarsko delate . Te črte so bile narisane ,ko se je cesta obnavljala oz.na novo asfaltirala , zato pa parkirajo tako ,da je groza …."