The longest journey begins with an open Heart

I Forgot to Mention, the Bird

I Forgot to Mention, the Bird

Subtitled: Dexter is free of any other possible cause of existence!
(a quick sketch, as any other)

I Forgot to Mention, the Bird STARWHEEL
<echo> Dexter said: "Hello!"

Feel free! To be, as Jawji Milla say:
on a windy, windy day.

I Forgot to Mention, the Bird STARWHEEL
Flying an Imagination Air

As if you will not be, if not being free,
feeling free without wind, on a windy day,
without feeling free, you can't be
nor to be, or not to be, as Jawyi Milla say:
on a windy, windy day.

You can try, and one can actually feel,
to feel free, with the wind and, on a windy day,
which might, quite possibly feel so far, and away,
to feel free, and to be feeling free, with the wind
or, as Jawyi Milla say: on a windy, windy day.

But just for just, and as a precaution, feel free
to address Jawyi as Jawyi, on Jawyi's day:
as there's no wind, if there's no Jawyi
and therefore and first, there's Jawyi,
as Jawyi is, on Jawyi's day, feeling free,
before there's any wind, on a windy day
and before anyone, ever can feel
feeling free to be, or not to be,
as Jawyi Milla say:
on a windy, windy day.

Thank you Jawyi for your wonderful contributions in the course of the miraculous force that our juggler of life brings through the wind, which is, the sole cause, and effect, which is has, thus miraculous to be, on any and every moment there is, and if any, and for all, so many, there remain, as to be, and for the Jawyi, feeling free.

As only with freedom and by the freedom the wind, thus, exists. Not before, nor after. And until there's a slight trace, or even a possibility of the wind, or its sole existence, until then we do now that Jawyi is taking care, and everything is alright, and it will be alright, until one can actually feel the wind, the wind on a windy day. But, can you actually feel the wind? Or is it just Jawyi? Maybe, it is only the juggler, with Jawyi, on a windy day. Or maybe it is the juggler of life, which one can feel, with the wind, on the windy day. I can't say. But, I can seal. The wind, on a windy day.

I Forgot to Mention, the Bird STARWHEEL
Dexter said: "Hello!" </echo>

Except for Jawyi, but although more for the Dexter, that is, the bird who hasn't been mentioned yet. And better not. As the bird actually can't feel. But the wind is, on a windy day, therefore Jawyi is here, and the bird in the hands of the juggler, its wings, causing to feel, and to seal that, feeling free. Can you feel?

Thank you!
Jimmyz Hirst + Jawyi Milla + Dexter (in any other possible cause of existence)

#feelingfree #masterofthewind #jugglingmastery