This is the queen, and she has been born today.
When the Queen awakened, she said: "I am the Queen of Fire, and my Power is Thankfulness, in its full capacity and in every possible way. Thankfulness is always possible. Unless it is impossible. And you can call upon my name in your wildest dreams, when you have no chances left and in the last second of your life, just before you are about to die. Remember me by being thankful for who you are."
And she grew all wild while I started trimming off her wings.
This is just too remarkable to explain. Thank you!
And after a while, I found a first reply. It was from the sea nearby:
"For all of you, who care, a circle of love. And I mean it. And Neptune, Had and Poseidon all agreed. Thats done. You deserve it!"
And while the world thus turned around its wheel of time, the image appeared:
"An other moment, and before all hell broke out. Please don't be sorry. Ever!"
In vmes se je zgodilo, kakor zgoraj tako spodaj, da preden spreletelo je obrazov 1000 platno zivljenja, razprostrto, da se brati jih vse je dalo, in kar hkrati. Kakor zgoraj tako spodaj:
"Ni primerjejse objave kakor tista, kot je dejal enkrat v razgovoru, preminuli Rudolf Steiner, da sele ko se zivljenja vspominjamo vnazaj, da sele potem se v nasi dusi odpro posebna vrata. Vstopiti pa moramo tako ali tako v ta svet, vsak dan, in znova, in znova, sami. Vsaj dokler se vsaj tega ne naucimo. Zelim vam se mnogo dobrega vstopanja in dobre volje."
In potem prisel je v svet pogled, ki je brezkrajen, in podoba, ki ni mozna, in blicje, ki je skrito, in prezenca, vseprisotna:
"This is an impossible picture. It can drive a person mad."