Vonj po dežju | A Smell of Rain
Prikrade se potihoma, | Sneaks in silence
kot jok, ki nabira pogum, | as a silent cry, rebuilding courage
da potrka na vrata duše. | to knock at the doors of a soul.
Prikrade se počasi, | It sneaks in slowly
kapljico po kapljico, | a drop after drop
kot se žalost spušča | as sadness is descending
v globine človeka. | into the depths of man.
Ko pride, za seboj | For after it arrives
zapusti mokro zemljo, | it leaves behind wet lands
očisti nebo in nahrani | clears the skies and feeds
vode lačne ptice. | the water hungry birds.
Kot solze, | As tears
ki se rodijo | that are born
in sprva bolijo. | in primal pain.
Ko odidejo, | When they leave
napojijo uteho | they fulfill the need
lačne duše. | of a hungry soul.
Vonj po upanju. | A smell of hope
Po pogumu. | Of a courage.
Vonj po miru. | A smell of peace.
Diši na tiho radost. | scents of little joy.
* Translated a poem from Maja Juhant, on that gloomy Sunday. See: @MJUHANT