Those, Unprecedented
Winton's unprecedented character has been discovering a surprisingly champaigneering course of events unfolding exhilarating chapters on its daily pages, fully coloured, starting with a film festival's last day, opal festival's weekend and meeting a tremendously interesting and familiar Austrian Alps family of four, travelling the outback, brushing it across vast distances of exploring adventures and every future anticipations. And, by the way, the intermittent sew to the Winton's fabulous experience was a constant appearance of Mr Gregory North with whom we've spend quite a few hilariously rich moments.
One cannot just 'like traveling', or just 'like visiting', or just 'like meeting'. Somehow the way of the traveler is the way to become, which transforms the path and replaces the traveler with a new sense of belonging, above and beyond the intermittent goal to reach, abstracts the destination, and insidiously tremendous brings the power of becoming into the force ..
Thank you all for being there!
Gregory North, Noah, Greta, Elijah, Morning Parrots