Shatavari Bindings
Today it has been the day, as we spoke, just now, in that intertwined destiny in the branches of the bush of tea. And the rituals performed, which happen only once, are such that even long lasting dynasties do find their ends in the sacred flowers of: hibiscus, lavender and semi-floating lotus, which is: quite fleshy white or mysteriously pink. Thank you Kishan, for your name still resonates through its streets, and the city, the same place, same time. How not unusual this is. Except for us, the wondrous pack.
If you're ever around the town of Bundi in Rajahsthan, then find Krishna's Chai Shop there, just before entering or better exiting the west gate of the palace (I presume) 🙂
Can you find the one who passed away? Who passed away? His royalty, his royalty.
#daysofsurrender #waltznotwalk #chainotcoffee #wondrouspack
Bundi, Rajahsthan, India
From 2010 to eternity