Punthamara, Quilpie QLD
Quilpie was gazetted as a town in 1917 owing to the Western railway line that was laid down from Brisbane. It takes its name from the Indigenous Australian word for stone curlew, quilpeta. The name was proposed by pastoralist James Hammond of Tenham Station.
While visiting, we stayed at The Lake, as they call it. The Quilpie Lake is located approximately 4km East of Quilpie, on the Diamantina Developmental Road, turn opposite Old Charleville Rd across Railway ( as on their website ). Some locals are of an opinion that The Lake area should have been nationalised by the local council and cultivated as a serene natural area or a form of a national park, but they have privately sold the place to private owners instead.
956km west from Brisbane
17,847.0 km2
#oz 218