Kranjska čbelica
We met first in 1995. After the end of the world as we knew it. The rumbling subconscious tectonic plates have ceeded their humanly observable moments, and we were left on the shores of the far away world, only with tools that were left from the current civilisation. Some up, some down, but as above, so below.
Then it came a letter from the unknown destination. Calling us out, to abandon, calling us forth, to expose, and to go on, wondering through the unveiling secrets of life as through a pin that the mill does between two long stones of the infinite eight. As it isn't the seven anymore, as it is eight.
Some statements are positive, and mankind's progression is good. Although repetitive, the paths do collide as much as they separate, and distance. Good bye, and so long! The extraterrestrial agents might bring the paths back again, on an other crossing.
Kranjska čbelica
Leta 1879 je Pollmann opisal in poimenoval čebele, ki jih je dobil iz Kranjske, kot podvrsto Apis mellifera carnica, imenovano tudi »kranjska čebela«, »Carniolan Bee«, »Krainer Biene«.
The word kapalabhati is made up of two Sanskrit words: kapāla meaning "skull", and bhāti meaning "shining, illuminating". It is intended mainly for cleaning the sinuses but according to the Gheranda Samhita has magical curative effects.