It's an iPhone's Fault
iTerrible would say, it gonna be, a terrible day. If one could make it branded. But hey. That's what it's for, in thousands upon thousands upon thousands, now only at the version 13 (thirteen). Sweet thirteen. How time has passed and how it's coming, back upon the grounds, of those that were here befpre it all happened, still in ther primal version 1 (one), thus undivided, but in between the clouds, well noticed, the ground upon we throw our offerings, and some do prayers, so, in between. For some unknown reasons. Unbeknown. Sweet it is, thirteen. And the glory of the coming storms.
Glasshouse Storms
Paul said it is a promise. But it is not the goal to pursue. And Andrew that he doesn't exactly know, what is true, but according to his personal, curated news, that is a reality that he can represent.
Although Jane, she asked, as well: "Is there a vegetarian in you?" "Can't say," was my reply, but to a degree aren't we all vegetarian? Vegeterian we all are, indeed, for food. And the question is only, for how long, if we survive, the coming storms.
One Apple a Day Brings a _ _ _ _ _ Away.
Some Say, Others Don't, But Devil Knows
Pete was the easiest on the go, although the crazy dog was barking after the truck, picking trash, and bins, with all 10 (ten) enourmous wheels to carry what others could not. The branded coffee is, the bullet, to split the skies. "It will be a terrible day, today, if we survive", I said: "I don't think so," he aded, on the go.
#glasshousestorms #iphonesfault #neveruseapple #appleaday
What happened?
I called twice just to make sure there's a difference between the versions for the purposes of repair. It is. Indeed. iTerrible.
What's it all about?
One Apple a Day Brings a _ _ _ _ _ Away.