Geishe Gompa
Last Sunday we finally took the opportunity for an other Sunday lunch at Chenrezig. One of those days, as we used to have, scheduled up at least once a month, to go, or better drive, across the hill and into the middle of the Hinterland's range where there is a beautiful, serene and pristine Buddhist centre. And we love it there, and most of all, love the ambient, and the people, and the emotions, that reside there, and a deep, comforting thought that resembles us all of a home we all do have, so, respectfully, and full, in the totality of who we are. And these moments, or such, are extremely precious.
This time we were joined by our dear Australian friend John Bullo from Quilpie, now living in Maleny. Although he had hard time ascending and descending across all 108 steps we did make the trip as pleasurable we could.
We also met with Rev Geishe, who we met last over a year ago, when boarding the same plane from Mian-Jen to Singapore. And Rev Geishe remembered us. It is always nice to exchange a few jokes and some news when we meet.
And Chenrezig just built their new wellness centre. And in that centre they're shooting the movies now. And since they have a Polish resident, female director, she is screening her latest documentary movie that she has made while living with Therawada nuns in Tibet. Sorry we couldn't make it this Sunday. But next screening is upcoming on the 28th November. Maybe the time will suit us better then. Selavie!
#visitchenrezig #hinterlandbuddhism #sundaylunch #australianbuddha
At Chenrezig, Sunshine Coast Hinterland, QLD