It was an Angel asking
Are You, Hungry?
An angel landed on my table
this very lovely morning
in a shape and form
as from some other dream,
He asked me:
"Are you - Single?"
"Are you - Taken?"
"No? Neither?"
I had to look at him from many angles
to make sure he is actually real
or that my dream is, self-substantially
not asking me, away, in ways
unbeknownst, without remorse.
"Are you the Saint George I see?"
I asked him, slowly, my mouth trembling
in a tongue that I have never used before
to make sure he is he as he is known
in those languages, to me.
Hotel Vozarev
Jutros, ne najranije, ali na vreme kad se bio bi pojavio, i to od sebe, sam, i samnom.