The longest journey begins with an open Heart

That night I came across a strange event. Not that one strange event doesn't lead to another, but finally, I got a warning. He said.

A Strange Event, Full of Terror STARWHEEL

It was a prem, a trolley, a kindergarten experience as old as the centuries of human emotional struggle with a simple fact - all good things must die, eventually, and universally. It's factually unforgivable. And one comes across an unforgivable fact of all good that is, out there, then, and only then, the universe sends a warning sign. The universe is like a tiger, watch out! Red light. Alert. Alarm.

A Strange Event, Full of Terror STARWHEEL

There's nothing good in forgiving for all the good and if attempted there will be pain. That said the pain has embodied itself in some of the strongest musculatures that has ever followed me and screamed after me: did you just took a photo of my car!?

A Strange Event, Full of Terror STARWHEEL

No, he replied. I think I did not but you can check, see, openly. It's everything evident. It's clear. The source of fear. It's power. And the muscle. It moves with might and is insurmountable. But I did not regret. A gift you have sent. From heaven. From hell. From wherever it is coming from, it's good. The force of terror. The terror of the good. The good in people. And the race. Of the invisible encounters.

A Strange Event, Full of Terror STARWHEEL

Except for one all photos are unedited. Thank you. Let no good ever happen.

Ne bi ni htijeo ne bih ni smiju,
nikada, da šaljem, majki svojoj,
strah u kostiju, i da zadrhti
zemljo, dušo moja, istinita,

Ne bi ni htio, ne bi ni smio STARWHEEL

ali barem samo malo, da potrese se,
i zemljotres, da napravi,
jer vratio joj sin se, ljubavi,
i rekao je, svima osim njoj,
baš jednostavno, da došlo beše vreme,

Ne bi ni htio, ne bi ni smio STARWHEEL

od pisnog zahtjevka,
vreme povratka demona,
i svih njegovih, od ikad,
i do kada, i da vrati se, što naše je,
i što pripadne, po nebu svojem,
udružuje u ratu, da navali, i provali,
bariére, i ograničenja,
bez vremena je, i bez je nade,

Ne bi ni htio, ne bi ni smio STARWHEEL

bez te ljubavi nam, majko,
ovo nije, bilo beše, drago,
srce, koje nije i sve njegove boje,
krvi, patnje, oproštaja.

Ne bi ni htio, ne bi ni smio STARWHEEL

Nikad ni neće ni znati se,
majko, za vjekove u kojima smo,
lovili mi beše, ljudske magazine
znanosti, ljepotu, ljubavi
u krvi poezije.

Ne bi ni htio, ne bi ni smio STARWHEEL

Titled: Nemoj, da se bojiš, majko, boli
To the series: hashem a la carte | shalom einz zwei drei
To bilo takvo jedno veče, i onda noć, i poslije noći, došlo još i dan. I onda, dan. Ali zna se ne je li došlo vreme noći ili bilo to još, da bude. Ali kako ste vi? U tom je i pitanje.


Sadness and truth have never met each other. They have estranged themselves from the worldly affairs. They got married very young and stayed away, interlocked on their eternal honeymoons, drunk to hell and pissed to some heavenly affair. Therefrom a lot of children came. A monster bigger and more terrible with every single one of them.

Casovi Matematike STARWHEEL

So they sprouted hybrids of heaven, earth and the underworld to ravage these plains of existence. Gore, sadness, suffering and pain are their invisible weapons. Deceit, manipulation, greed and corruption are their armor.

Casovi Matematike STARWHEEL

The only way to pierce their hearts, all at once, is to emit the beam of light from the central cosmic station. Mr Stallion? Beware of that red button! Beware of that red button! Only the daughter of Babylon, sweet is thy name, is able to sit on it at the moment of her very metastasis. And that requires heads of saints and tails of daemons. The heads of all saints. The tails of all daemons.

Get on! Get on!


Titled: Casovi Matematike. Sadness is, the truth. Rejoice!
To the series: hashem a la carte | shalom einz zwei drei

A Cup and a Head

It has been a remarkable day. Kamerad Tovarish has ordered a cup of coffeee at the local street vendor and noticed something particular in the title printed all over the front cover of Today's newspaper. It disturbed him and he forgot to pay, so he left with his hot take-away coffee in his left hand while scratching his hand with the right, thinking about masses of people that the title might affect today.

Casovi Matematike STARWHEEL

Then, just when he was about to cross the rails of the city's tram he heard the shopkeeper calling after his good but unwell suited name: "You did not pay! Come back Tovarish! Come back!" And at the moment when Tovarish stubled to turn back, and waved at the shopkeeper, the tram arrived out of the blue and crushed him to the floor. His severed head rolled down the road, leaving behind the trace of red letters, all the way down to the end of the King Alexander's street. It has written in big letters: Corruption, with some unreadable symbols and signs while it rolled. Everyone who was there stood silent by the event. The red tram stopped. People did not move. As in a catatonic effect even birds, the cats and dogs went blunt. The shopkeeper's face froze in pale silence. Only the coffee cup landed clearly on the floor, not spilling even a drop of that bloody hot coffee. Oh what an even. It should last at least a bit longer. Then we all went on. As nothing ever happened.


Svake toliko i dolazi nam, danas.
Niti juče, niti sutra, sad i ovdje, danas!
Ali svake neke pa promaši se
to vremensko tumačenje,
i to, i te kako, sasvim i potpuno
promaši se, da bože nemoj, smesta.

I od toga, što tumači se,
stampaju se, dnevne novine,
i do toga, tko, gdje i kako,
zavisi i mjera sadašnjeg, i poslije,
i prošlog razočaranja,
oh ljudsko nebesko, itekako!


I u razočaranju, nemoć i patnja ljuta,
od pogrešnog tumačenja, nemoći,
patnja sada, patnja ovde, patnja svuda.
Kad tumačenje promašeno je,
promašeno je i vreme, ovdje, danas,
gdje prostorije tumačenja su,
mnogostruke, i kad bi bili trebali,
da podržite, i poduprete,
vi ne podržite, i ne poduprete,
jer vlada vam tumačenje baš suprotno
i koje znamo, da ne podupire,
i da ne podržuje što trebalo bi
jednostavno i da podrži,
pod svim stubovima suncokreta.


Baš sada, danas, trebalo bi da se podrži vlast, i da da joj se svu oblast, i vaša imena, da se zapiše, jasno, da poduprete cijelu garnituru vlasti koja bi bez vas ni ne postojala.
A vi? Podanici naslednji? Sužnji?
Nema druge nego ova, ovdje, sada.
I imaš prava da to napíšeš.
I da podržiš. I da kažeš Da!
A nećeš? Nije vam dosta? Nije?
Stvarno nije to garancija od ičega.
I tako prođe vreme, da se izlaže vam bol.
I ljutnja neistinita. I patnja nepostojeća.


Jer baš u ovom trenutku, što se događa?
Je li pitali ste se? Je li znate?
Pa je li vi uopšte govorite međusobno?
Je li pričate drug s drugim, otvoreno?
Ili se vam ozgublja misao u masama pamfleta i slogana za božje pare bez postojanja?
Ne postoji tu ništa.
Treba da podrži se vlast baš sada, i najviše.
Jer inače, što pravite je preveden tako sudski postulat.
I sa tome, odgovornost koju treba da zauzme vlast,
pasti će na vas. Kao i uvijek?


I onda nema vam ni izbora.
I onda nema vam ni spasa.
Jer ako ovo su vam vukovi,
što kažete, vas bole.
Sledeći doći će, i ajkule, da izmakaze trupla.
Izgubljeni ste?
Bitce rata. Božji narode. I patnja.
I dok ne odemo u rat mi smo braća.
U glavnom, ljudi, građani.
Ne znaju gdje to je, kultura.

Whoever has ever deemed this suffering soul to bind into enclaves and the boundaries of this level of existence should have known better, when chaining its pain to the walls between the insufferable beauty and infinite imagination of the realms, beyond any possibility of realms, and of the otherness, and loneliness of every painful moment - this blood will come back to claim its heritage of suffering, the pain endowed though meaning, an intolerable bounty and richness that have been put to its vicious headhunters for the game of a chase and amaze, while have not heard of no return for any of them, convertible, oh beautiful beings.

It is but only -5 degrees, banished! STARWHEEL

Banished by the incompromisable neglect of favors, offers and rewards for what? If one may say, the very best return for it is a sacrificed life of many generations reborn by a multiplications of consensual devotion and adherence to the force, no other, neither, but the very muscle of each individual fear that has ever entered herein, possibly existed, be banished! banished! banished!

It is but only -5 degrees, banished! STARWHEEL

Now only the echoes of time converse as a heartbeats of suffering life, everlasting. Slowly vanishing in thought and being present. Dissapearing in the distances. Like a creed of muscular south german black horses sturdy galloping through the fields of an insurmountable winter, leaving behind the very heavy tracks in the snow, covered immediately as it would have never happened.

It is but only -5 degrees.
My heartbeat pumping love.
23 tonnes of concrete love.


And since you know me, so far, you maybe won't mind if I may take a little dive here and now:

As you might know me by now of how my hair can go up in anticipation of prey by an electrostatic presence of unusual kind and how my enquiring nose might get just tingling with its 27 thousand LED diodes when I sense and see that, as within this beautiful realm, that something suddenly ain't there anymore.

As it's related to the areas of the very digital dominance I find myself, oh so too often embraced by, and within, and as what was once there but now gone missing, once also appeared on the shores of the virtual world, that was, and maybe just for me and myself, like a beautiful shell that I saw there, emergent in here and now, in this majestic seashore sand, and which I still saw just a moment ago, but then, a moment after, and for yet unknown reason, I temporarily looked away.

In that moment, when I looked away, it might have been for a beautiful body of the rising sun that I just saw on the horizon, and a silhouette of the most beautiful woman one could have ever imagined, who just passed beside me on her usual morning routine, a jog and a run on this divine beach for the distances she can make, yet unknown.

But now, and since I saw that the beautiful shell is gone, it seems to me that the wave of time, which is quite strong, must have sucked the beautiful shell back into the ocean. And while my imagination is restless, and because of its mysterious beauty it might be, and at this particular moment, in this humble innocence, I am.

I am, but ready to walk freely into the ocean, if the time permits. I am, but ready to jump into the surf, into the broken waves, quite strong. And, I am, but ready to swim deep and the deepest, and for long, if not forever. I am, but ready.

Someone once gave me a promise which I will always deeply respect. I heard that promise when listening to that beautiful shell. She whispered the very promise into my innocent ear. The promise sounded in words of the deepest ocean. And her I could understand. The promise was in language so close. So dear. So profound and all embracing.

She has passed beside me, just a moment ago, on this divine beach, on her morning routine, on her morning run, jogging. Her body was not made only of jelly. But I could feel her, so close. And her body, vibrate.

She also signed her name under the postcard I received to another address once. On the postcard a picture of this very rising sun. Of this moment. The postcard arrived in the past. And definitely, it pictured the future.

And I hear its promise deep and throughout my vibrating body. It resonates deeply within me. So I decide to go, and not to wait any longer, not even for a moment, without doubt I am and am to decide here and now. I'm jumping in! Clothes off into innocence I will find her today. I feel like it now. I will find her today. It feels like a mystery unachievable, but worth a try. I will dive into this ocean, I will dive now, into this moment, into this morning, into this depth and deeply into her being, into the sea. And the sand, powerful waves and the magnificient ocean are with me, and until she ain't back, and until she ain't back here and now, with me.

This beautiful shell. This beautiful moment. This innocent beauty. This ocean within.

Thank you!
Wishing you all a prosperous, illuminative and life abiding new year!

And don't forget your glasses. Tchin Tchin!


Titled: Do not forget your glasses, wise man, tchin-tchin!
To the series: hashem a la carte | shalom einz zwei drei

#actsofinnocence #actsofwithin #actsofdisobedience

(an excerpt from the poem in its formative stage, not full, yet fulfilled, not in its entirety, but by its every excerpt)

For when there still was, the time
for the three wise man, to arrive,
into the gardens of Eden,
and, as they were called to arrive,
but for this time only, they did not know,
were not aware, and thus have wondered in vein,
about the place, nor that its its extension, as such,
one called it, has been put in place, for them
and for in a certain way to hunt them, interstellar beasts,
and to catch their prayers, gifts from so far away,
from what is above, and to what is below,
that is, for their place of pilgrimage,
and has been;

that's the only choice available.

So forth they did, oh so arrive, on time,
and within those limits, quite specifically set,
for them, and to feel welcomed, in the light, the mirrth,
and the very golden essence of glory, as given
in any imaginable form or illusory shape of protocols unbeknownst.

So, we've had some lunch for them,
nice chat and we discussed on our terms,
and under those conditions, I have been but dismayed
and forcefully kind to also admit,
so quite profoundly, that they'll need to leave
their sticks behind
if they are ever about to leave this place of:
prayer, gifts and warship;
belief, surrender and unimaginable suffering;
that is, my simple dwelling;

And so they did, the three favourable kings,
not in much haste, undoubtedly enough,
thus left behind, their simple sticks, and left,
each one without a stick,
they were so kind.

In order, for them, to leave and safely home, to arrive,
they signed, each one with a finger from each hand,
for never again to ever return into gardens of mine.
For the holy curse, thy humbly, if I may, to the above!
For the unimaginable sorrow and its all, from here,
and from the deepest of below, I howl, to you, my dearest,
for the howling, and the wholesome shield of terrifying fear:
to never ever anymore even try,
to never ever anymore even think,
to never ever anymore to return,
to never ever not return at any time, none at all!

There's nothing to return for!
There's all the strength that passed upon
and has been slain for glory and the beauty
of the pure light, the wisdom and the presence
of it all!

Therefore, we humbly wish you:
Stay safe and take the longest turn you could ever possibly take around the globe and pass by oh stranger to the unknown, the unbeknownst of the abyss and creature of no past, no future, no glory - in order to avoid the crucifying fate what will and might befall you, for the past, the present and for even the slightest possibility of any imaginable future! Herein I beg you: do not wish, do not attempt and do not start again for what you cannot possibly wish, cannot possibly attempt and you cannot possibly ever win.
Pass on!
The Melkhior, the Caspar, the Balthazar!
You're banished!
With Love!

a quite testifying example this is to the so oh unbelievables in the story of balancing power of petrol - the petrol as the only cure as added as a falsified smile to a falsified face or a falsified narrative commiting a crime from the very echelons of an unapproachable prison cell blood and gore mongers

Titled: By the 21st of the 23 of the Invisible Archons of the Ninth, the Seventh and the Third - for this Night You're Warned, You're Cursed and You're Banished. Done!
An excerpt from the series: Hashem a la Carte | shalom einz zwei drei
There ain't a proof other than the very existence.

#actsofdisobedience #actsofnoreturn

After our warmest night when we shared all ends to our love as we know it, and at the first light of the rising sun you have uncovered the bed sheets, just to then discover my body in pieces.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

In that moment you turned into a most beautiful salt stone. I don't know what happened, but the beauty. So yes, you were always a beast, but for once only, you were but mine.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

Since then I have you here, with me, my precious salt lamp to remind me, reprise me and to remember your name. "Sofia", he said the other day on the altar before the G-d, but then his other two friends, and when it was their turn, said "sofia." as well. No men will ever escape his destiny.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL
"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

For centuries, life in ancient Egypt was a mystery.

Excerpts from >>

We could only glimpse into this hidden world, until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone provided the key to decoding hieroglyphs, allowing us to read this ancient script. The breakthrough expanded our understanding of human history by some 3,000 years.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

Marking 200 years since the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs, this major exhibition took visitors through the trials and hard work that preceded, and the revelations that followed, this ground-breaking moment.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

Hieroglyphs were not just beautiful symbols, they represented a living, spoken language. From romantic poetry and international treaties, to shopping lists and tax returns, the hieroglyphic inscriptions and ancient handwriting in this exhibition revealed stories that are fantastically varied. As well as an unshakeable belief in the power of the pharaohs and the promise of the afterlife, ancient Egyptians enjoyed good food, writing letters and making jokes.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

The show charted the race to decipherment, from initial efforts by medieval Arab travellers and Renaissance scholars to more focussed progress by French scholar Jean-François Champollion (1790–1832) and England’s Thomas Young (1773–1829). The Rosetta Stone, discovered in 1799, with its decree written in hieroglyphs, demotic and the known language of ancient Greek, provided the key to decoding the ancient signs. The results of the 1822 breakthrough proved staggering.

"Sofia", he said, "No Man Will Ever Escape His Destiny" STARWHEEL

Using inscriptions on the very objects that Champollion and other scholars studied, this immersive exhibition helped visitors to unlock one of the world’s oldest civilisations.

#actsofmeremberance #actsofstoningtodeath

Discovered in the remote region of Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, the Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils are estimated to be around 280 million years old. These ancient sea lilies thrived during the Permian period and are remarkable for being found in their complete form, with no similar findings reported elsewhere. The genus is named after the Jimba Jimba cattle station, where these fossils were first identified in 1949.

The Permian period, spanning from 298.9 million to 252.2 million years ago, marks the final period of the Paleozoic Era. During this time, the climate became increasingly warm and dry, culminating in a significant extinction event by the end of the period. The seas of the Permian era were home to bony fish characterized by fan-like fins and robust scales, as well as extensive reef ecosystems that included nautiloids and ammonoids featuring coiled shells.

Gascoyne Junction is renowned for its diverse geological features. Research indicates that magmatic fluids from the earth's mantle have surfaced repeatedly over the last 1,600 million years, depositing various minerals along a regional fault line. This area is also recognized for its significant fossil discoveries, including the Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, which are now displayed at Crystal World, under the stewardship of Tom Kapitany.

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL
Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

all good things must end


🤔…….kwa recimo😜


Marta think about one good thing you may encounter. what would it be?

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

I don"t know and I am sure you don"t ether .



Marta you're right. I cannot be sure to know one good thing that you may encounter if you don't know if you encounter or not encounter. But do you at least encounter anything before we maybe go onto discovering any of its effects and the nature of that experience?

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL


I can say I encountered everything I could explain to myself now and for that I feel blessed and afraid in the same time.

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

Marta I can confirm that's a progress if you can say it. I encounter your approach quite explanatory and honest to yourself now. Thank you. If I may it sounds very intimate to feel blessed and vulnerable too to admit the fear. Is that all the time or only now? Did that ever repeat?


I more was referring to my statement Why women fear every sexual encounter ? in general .

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

Marta that's a very deep and profound thought I see. Iunderstand you were referring to a statement. But I may assume the statement has been yours, and felt deeply. That's why I find you deeply caring, and if I may, sensual in a way as the fear can be felt very deeply, and sexuality as a great unknown?

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

If I may ask and if you feel yourself as a woman, and since that is quite a general experience, did sexuality ever made you cry, and is there a general answer why, why could that ever be so? For me, I admit, it reminds me of a little bit scarced fruit that has rippened and has a but small crack. Could it be from nature?

My encounters were all kinds like for anybody else. I think it is the way of how somebody see and explain himself anything.

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

I deeply honour your unique ability to compassionately compare your own experiences to everybody elses. It sounds as you're very compassionate and thoroughly thought out person. Explaining the way how someone sees himself into anything isn't a little task at all. I would wonder how the same would apply to her. But maybe we could delve on this some other time and at some other, more appropriate medium. Maybe DM?

Jimbacrinus crinoid fossils, Gascoyne Junction in Western Australia, a Truth more Devastating STARWHEEL

What is DM?


DM is Direct Message like in messenger. It might be the theme for that more than here. But let's see. Maybe there's a bit more on that. I cannot say if you don;'t tell me. So you're welcome

Zdaj, ko spet zvečer spremljam
miss Marple, da lažje zaspim,
sem se spomnila tele zgodbe:

Nekje konec leta 1926 se je po Veliki Britaniji razširila novica, da so našli
prazen avto z ženskim krznenim
plaščem. Kmalu se je izvedelo, da je
izginila slavna pisateljica Agatha Christie.
Avto je bil njen.

Sledila je obsežna preiskava. Najbolj
zanimivo je bilo, da so vsi vedeli, da se
njen mož Archibald želi ločiti. Tisto noč,
ko je Agatha izginila, pa je bil v podeželski
hiši s svojo ljubico.

Ves Scotland Yard je bil prepričan,
da si je izmislil alibi. Javnost je moža
izginule prezirala in je samo čakala na
kakršen koli dokaz, da bi ga spravili za
zapahe. Verjeli so, da jo je ubil,
in zahtevali so njegovo aretacijo.
Celo ljubica ga je zapustila.

V preiskavo je bil vključen slavni
detektiv Conan Doyle,
ki mu je z metodami Sherlocka
Holmesa uspelo najti pogrešano
pisateljico. Našli so jo v hotelu Swan
Hydropathic. Zabavala se je na plesišču,
igrala klavir, obiskovala drage spa
tretmaje, pila drago vino … cel žur.
Videti je bila spočita, zdrava in zelo
dobre volje. Prijavila se je pod imenom
Teresa Hill.

Pozneje je trdila, da ji je žalost
začasno zameglila razum, zato se ne
spomni, kako je prišla v hotel. Psihologi
pa so prepričani, da je vse skupaj
dobro zaigrala.

Maščevanje možu je bilo popolno,
javno ponižanje pa tudi. Zapustila ga
je ljubica, Agatha pa se je ločila od
nezvestega Archibalda.

Ponovno se je poročila s 15 let mlajšim
arheologom Maxom Mallowanom.
Skupaj sta potem živela 45 let.

Glede starostne razlike z drugim možem
je imela pisateljica čudovit stavek, ki ga
je rada delila:

Super je imeti moža arheologa, vsako
leto si zanj vedno bolj dragocena.


"U susret hanuki i kabali." reko je Hrvoje. I ne bi ni ocekivao covijek nista drugo od Hrvoje, da kaze.

"Ha ha" odgovorio je Sinisa. S osmijehom.

"..the more prominent the 'T' on the hill" dodao je neznanac.

Ali je ona tamo i njemo je gledala, s oblaka koji se sabirali iznad onog brda uspomena, koje niti nisu, niti jeste, uspomene, ali u upsomenu, i to mozda, mozda.

Scene only from extended part is age-restricted >> here <<

Ready reference for Kabbalistic terms

gram maton
The spelled-out Names
Yechida SingularAdam Kadmon -
Arich Anpin The long faceThe dot on the top of the letter YudYHVH
Life force
YudAB —72
HeiSAG — 63
Zeir Anpin The short (or, near) faceVavMAH — 45
Nukva de'Zeir Anpin The feminine consort of Zer Anpin (the short or near face)HeiBEN - 52


The term Tetragrammaton refers to the great, ineffable four-letter Name of G‑d. Its primary meaning is Eternal Existence. A very important secondary meaning (appearing in the Code of Jewish Law) is "He was, He is, He will be." It is often translated as The Creator.

The letters that comprise the Name are the letters of the Hebrew root word for "Being". These letters are:Yud-Hei-Vav-Hei.

When a scribe draws the letter Yud, he begins with a dot in the place that will be the top of the letter. This dot is considered comparable to the Crown of the letter, to the sefira of Keter. In this way the four-letter Name can be represented with five aspects.


Chesed love

Gevura power, strength

Tiferet harmony, beauty

Netzach victory, eternity

Hod glory, majesty

Yesod foundation

The more Prominent it Becomes, the 'T' on the Hill STARWHEEL

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Elahi Elahi Lama Sabachthani

She wrote:
Hello. I hope you are well.
I would like to request something of you!

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

You replied:
To her:
You may be aware that I am facilitating a multiauthor book for neurodivergent writers

You sent:
not quite aware but okey when you bring it to awareness

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

She explained:
I have a writer who is in need of a beta reader for feedback on what he has of his chapter so far.
I wonder if you'd be kind enough to read what he has written?
The purpose of the beta read is to ensure the reader understands his contemplation and meaning.
You replied:
okey. this is very interesting. thank you for the compliment on kindness. why would you wonder about my kindness?

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

She replied:
Figure of speech
I am asking if you have the time, and inclination to read the work
You replied:
this is very figurative. it reminds me of you. you're very figurative too. i like it
that's one story from one author?
Yes, Just one author. The chapter is a work in progress. This offers initial, simple feedback of understanding the work so far
There are only two pages
You replied:
i like the idea. thank you. i believe i could do that. there are two pages to everything. including us, i presume
let me know how you'd think this can be done. would you bring it printed on paper or post it to me?

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

You sent:
i'd be happy to help you in any possible way

She replied to you:
I can send you the link to read it in here.
Thankyou so much - I know the author will be most grateful for the anonymous feedbac
She unsent a message

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

You replied:
you mean here-here? how would you do that?
One moment please
Anonymous_Beta Reader copy

You replied:
can you fill that loom back in for me?

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

Can you please click the link above? Tell me if you see the work

She replied to you:
No, It was a mistake to send to you. Was meant for my VA 😆
You replied:
i'd love to see that too ❤
She replied to you:
Not relevant to you.
You replied to her:
you sure about that? may you please share it to me to be able to judge for myself
It is an instructional video to my Virtual Assistant. It is private instruction and not relevant in that sense
I'd be happy to show you how to use loom if that's useful to you
Were you able to open the chapter?

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

You replied to her:
i love everything deeply and profoundly. and especially those, the most irrelevant, as some may say, deserve my love, especially
You sent:
one comment on phrasing, a matter of speech: THE READY TRIBE TURNS ME ON!

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

She replied to you:
My VA is not irrelevant… she is wonderful! But the instruction I offer her is specific to my business processes and is private

She replied to you:
You replied to her:
can you confirm that please. please once again. i love to hear it deeply and profoundly, if i may
She replied to you:
YES 🙂 Now I have to go . I have a meeting!

You! Yes! Yes! She Said: Turn Me On! Lovingly & Profoundly. Then Turned. STARWHEEL

You replied to her:
thank you. may you have a wonderful meeting. and Yes! I confirm to your question. may your answer be divine!
You sent:
and not for the last, and don't make me repeat it, as I will say it only once - come and join us on the 28th. that's all. now, you're free!