The longest journey begins with an open Heart

Dobro, kri kraljev teče v mojih žilah,
sem zemeljski angel, pravijo,
ampak veliko več
od tuzemeskega angela sem,
česar se dotaknem,
se v zlato spremeni, pravijo,
ampak jaz se dotikam predvsem src,
potem se ta kri spremeni v zláto
in srce zadene kot eksplozija,
to je alkimija srca,
tako se temu reče,
sem pesnik in mag, kakopak,
in potisočerjena kombinacija večnega,
ogenj, ki ne ugasne nikdar.

Koder stopam, z mano hodi vihar,
koder stopam, kri v žilah vre,
nihče ne more moje misli doseči,
moja misel je padec sleherne iluzije,
moja misel razbije okove prekletstva.
Jaz sem sončev potomec,
moja kri je razbeljena lava,
s sabo prinesel sem zrno sonca,
ki se razteza bolj in bolj,
in ko se zjutraj zbudim, sijem,
četudi bi v grobu bil zakopan, bi sijal,
preseval bi zemeljsko površino,
in vem, da žarim skozi ves planet,
planet se greje pri moji svetlobi,
planet je deležen mojega upanja,
mojega optimizma,
moje sreče,
jaz sem luč tega sveta.


Moj obstoj čutijo mnogi, premnogi,
ampak to je zgolj slutnja,
dokler ne spregovorim,
ko pa izrečem svoje besede,
se vsakdo prižge v svojem stanju,
se vsakdo prižge tam, kjer je,
in že špekulirajo o meni
misleč, da sem Kristus,
misleč, da sem Antikrist,
ker Bog in Satan cirkulirata v moji krvi.
Ni svetejše od moje krvi,
zato mi je všeč biti jaz,
nič boljšega ni kot biti jaz,
šele v meni se vse pomiri,
jaz sem trans blaženosti nebeške.
Kdor me sovraži, me sovraži z veliko močjo,
ampak še skozi njegovo sovraštvo presevam,
še skozi njeno sovraštvo presevam,
ne morejo, da me ne bi tudi malo ljubili,
malo ljubili, pravim,
in to zrno ljubezni je bližnji požar,
velika kazen in velika nagrada,
saj ne morejo misliti name,
ne da bi jih zažgalo
in to, da jih zažge, to je božje.


Ah, kakšno jutro,
kako sem se raztegnil,
ko sem se pretegnil,
ko sem zavzdihnil,
ko sem izdihnil zrak iz pljuč,
vse je v mojih pljučih,
moja duša je v njih,
kot ogromen napihnjen balon sem!
Moram se spravit nazaj,
nazaj v svojo majhnost,
da bom lahko funkcioniral na svetu,
da bom lahko šel v trgovino po hrano,
da bom spet jedel in pil
in potem bral in pisal in spal,
ostal pri osnovni človečnosti,
da bom lahko si dejal:
jaz sem odblesk neslutene skromnosti.

This, in its entirety, is Ivan C.'s, to the Dragon's son and by the Soul of the Scarab by the First Angel, and nothing, nothing at all, can ever dispute that. Except for the morning that will one day not arrive and then, those, who will come after that morning is gone.

"resnicno si se pomladil. z vsakim dnem naj to bo, prijatelj, dobro jutro!"

"alora amici. que pasa?"


"villeicht a Passacaglia before that dawn?"

Triple 'N':

"Johnn Lennon v osladni pesmi Imagine poziva k življenju brez bistvenih stvari, ki nas delajo človeške, k nekakšni topi Xanax neoliberalni distopiji, v kateri živimo danes. Le miru in bratstva med ljudmi, o katerem govori, ni. Folk se ne zaveda, da je to natanko svet, o katerem je pel, ne pa nekaj, kar šele prihaja."

Lyre Fragment, Bull Head - B17694B | Penn Museum Collections
kar ni osladno, traja vecno.

Je d'jal Muanis S in dodal: "Satanski stihi. Še sreča, da je Satan tako slab pesnik."

Ksenja pa je takoj to zajezila: "Prav nič osladna ni."

"Ksenija Matevžič eden najbolj osladnih in neumnih komadov, ki so bili kadarkoli narejeni. Vsakdo, ki je mlajši od 40 let, ob njemu neznansko cringa." je odgovoril bil, Muanis S.

Ksenjiji pac ni dovolj bilo, ona bi se vec, je nadaljevala: "Muanis Sinanović potem pa veselo cringajte naprej. Mi jo pojemo in mladi se nam večkrat pridružijo."

Muanis pa, zloben kot je ze bil, ni imel vec smisla: "cringe", je odgovoril, ker ni poante.

Nic ni dodati, ampak sprejeti, je dodal sam medved: "osladna je ta, kot gnila zupca od ta zagonetne babice, ki se je dajala dol z vsakim, ki je sel mimo, in kar na pocez in to pred otroci, ce zupce jeli niso notli. a ti res mislis to odkrivat? challenge accepted."

In Aljosa, kakor prvi pravi: "Svoja prepricanja v praksi je dokazoval tako da je pretepal Yoko Ono"

Everybody knows that a human being needs not to worry at all. Life is full of suffering. But, as a human being needs to undergo through all special kinds of beliefs and practices, of which the most prominent ones are called a "Yes!" and a "No!" to oneself, and a "Yes!" and a "No!" to one another, and a "Yes!" and a "No!" to the world, and a "Yes!" and a "No!" to the G*d - there seems to be only eight (😎 but actually they are The Nine (9) of them, in total and the three times eight (24) of the visible ones, according to the laws of transgression and reconnaissance. The three (3) of these are for the sake of acceptance, the three (3) of those for the sake of reconnaissance and the three (3) that are yest to be experienced, for the sake of disobedience.

The Unimaginable Events of The Great Realignment STARWHEEL
Rex Dominus Ultra: a real possibility arises for the human being who underwent the passages of unimaginable burden.

Only then a real possibility arises for the human being who underwent the passages of unimaginable burden to finally open up, as the gates to heaven open up the gates to hell, and leave behind any doubts, in order to ultimately align and be aligned down to the very task, which is living.

Living beyond any imaginable or unimaginable passion!
While in life, everything is possible, therefore one must, but try, until it's not impossible. Oh the burden, which is, the time and place, both the unbearably imaginable burden of the past and the bearably unimaginable burden, which is, the future. Now!

Now! Thank you Simon X Bull. No matter the course of events you have nothing to worry about. Nothing at all. The event will happen!

"The Magnificent Sleight of Hand of Carl Jung - and his Phoenix rising from the Ashes", said Simon. Then the bull. No shield and straight on. Head to Head.

For everyone else, the Great Realignment event will be held on last Saturday of this god forsaken year, between death and resurrection, on the 28th of December, starting from 9AM at the invite only undisclosed location. The next Great Realignment event will be then held on Thursday, the 22.nd of January 2025, at the invite only undisclosed location on the other side of the world. The next Great Realignment event will be held end of February, at the invite only undisclosed location. The next Great Realignment event will be held at the end of April (to be continued, with lots of suffering)

According to Simon, 12:28:24:

The Magnificent Sleight of Hand of Carl Jung - and his Phoenix rising from the Ashes

Human beings do not stand in one world only but between two worlds and must distinguish themselves from their functions in both worlds.

"That is individuation. You are rejecting dreams and seeking action. Then the dreams come and thwart your actions. The dreams are a world, and the real is a world. You have to stand between them and regulate the traffic in both worlds, just as Siegfried stands between the gods and men. Do you understand that?"

~ Jung in a letter to Sabina Spielrein (21. Jan. 1918)

“Human beings do not stand in one world only but between two worlds.” Is a line that could have been lifted from any great scripture… or the Kaballah. Jung is endlessly fascinating. No chance to get bored!

Oh my goodness! The challenges of being human. It goes on and on. And on. I must first and foremost subscribe to the idea of reincarnation, for without that, human life makes absolutely no sense at all. And then we cross the great chasm, moving from the world of purely metaphysical ideas informing human existence… to the world of psychology. It is hard for me to imagine what Jung managed to pull off with the formation of his psychology. This post with Jung quoted at the start gives an inkling of the tightrope walk Jung had to achieve in order to deliver his corpus collossum to the world.

Perhaps it is the art of Jung, that he is able to start with some great spiritual idea and then invisibly switch into functional psychology mode, without missing a beat. He is like a great stage magician, managing the switch artfully so that the audience does not see what happened beneath the large drape.

This is not to suggest, as many have done, that Jung was a charlatan or a fake. There are too many functional frameworks of his psychology in immensely useful fashioned applications, like MBTi or in Joseph Campbell’s work, to name a few stellar examples.

Yes… Jung is endlessly fascinating. I have still yet to obtain my own copy of his Liber Novus AKA The Red Book. It is not generally known that Jung reached a point in his life where he felt he could no longer perform psychoanalysis. His road to recovery was to nightly enter into a state of non-ordinary reality. In pathological terms it would probably be called psychosis. Perhaps the biggest difference between Jung’s nightly excursions and ordinary madness is that Jung was able to enter into the state and go out of it, at will. He called it active imagination. In any case the end result of his regular managed excursions into non-ordinary reality, was his rebirth… like the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes.

Main image: Artwork from Liber Novus by Jung

Then Simon wondered about, and after the two illuminative dogs.

Don't know about it yet?

If you don't know about the Great Realignment event yet, and would maybe wish to attend, please align yourself and DM 💋☠

We ❤ You All!
Thank you!

Andogin said in 33:3:

"Jesus was a bit upset but sorry mate, you were invited, which you knew quite well, to bring with the faint from your heart, some pain and blood, and yet, you brough that radiance and light, which was okay, but the party wasn't very much about that, so, you know, go home! Better go home early and rethink about your overall approach as the time is running out and at some point you will have to decide whether you would like to listen, and let go of misery you think is there, and souls of those that suffer you the most, or to continue on with that radience and light of yours, which is quite nice but getting boring altogether and also wicked to a degree that it ain't appropriate anymore, you know, for you to continue on that way. This is the end. Simple. And get it! You are liked, ofcourse, you're okay, and we love you, honestly, and while still, no one got hurt. You've been lucky this time. For now we let you go. But next time is no more. This is, the end."

If you want to read some more, here you go:

But then the Androginus left. Attending other guests. Doing business. Worth more that any imaginable value ever possible. And Androgin did not leave anything behind. And Androginus opened every single doors. And the world was set alight. And the flames engulfed it. The Pan, and then, the Phoenix.

When my father came home that day it was after a deep emotional trauma. He was through a car accident twice, once it threw him out of the curve, the other time he curved someone. But what he was wearing in his eyes that day was something else. I haven't seen it before but knew that the shine he had in his eyes was known tome from somwehere. I admit I was used to see him drunk but as much as he could drink no one would ever be able to believe me. But that thing of the shining behind, that thing was there, that needed to prevail, that needed to be reveald. And, not for the last, that thing needed someone as strong as my father was to be revealed. As no one was ever able to carry it on. Carry on!

Thank you.

Pictured: Around the 7th century BC, the Muisca flourished on the plains of the eastern Cordillera in Colombia.

Linguistically related to the Tairona, they formed a sophisticated civilization renowned for their mastery of goldwork and intricate artistry.

The Muisca are best remembered for their role in the legend of El Dorado, where their ceremonial offerings of gold to Lake Guatavita symbolized spiritual devotion.

These treasures, however, also attracted Spanish conquistadors, who sought to exploit the Muisca's wealth.

Despite this, their legacy endures in the artifacts and cultural influence they left behind, offering a glimpse into one of South America's most intriguing ancient societies…

"You can portray me however you like," he said, "but here's a deal ..", and he laid down a plan in front of them, but the one.

They saw what he did there and then. They weren't amazed by the plan, but they understood.

Respect of a specific nature was born. There and then.

And fear. And unnatural bonding.

However You Like by the 72 Names STARWHEEL
"And the angel of G‑d who had been going ahead of the camp of Israel now moved and went behind them, and the pillar of cloud went from in front of them and stood behind them. Thus [the pillar of cloud] came between the camp of Egypt and the camp of Israel, making it cloud and darkness [to the Egyptians], but it gave light by night [to the Jews], so that the one came not near the other all the night. Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and G‑d drove the sea back with a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land; thus the waters were divided." (Ex. 14:14)

Then, from a safe distance and after they were blinded, they called him a "Faceless Star of Far Beyond but Near", and beyond any imaginable realm, gave him the 72 names they called holy for some reason, revealed and hidden, and no one has ever been allowed to pronounce any of them, ever.

"Amen," they said.

"Amen!" it echoed.

Pictured above: A skull from the ancient city of Jericho, dated to 7000 BC, covered with plaster and the eye-sockets inlaid with cowrie shells | Photographed at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, United Kingdom.

However You Like by the 72 Names STARWHEEL

⚡📷 Tiny but Mighty: The Striped Skink 🦎

This adorable little lizard! This is a Striped Skink, a small reptile known for its vibrant colors and slender body. Its bright orange tail is a warning to predators, signaling that it's not a tasty snack.

✨ Fun Fact: Striped Skinks are excellent climbers and can often be found basking in the sun on tree trunks and rocks.

Wherever you are
I see you
For wherever
I go, or
For wherever
I am.

Wherever you'll be
just to make sure,
I'll be there,
standing behind, and,
just to make sure,
that you know.
That's safe.

There's no end
in this chase
as well as there's no end
to the race.
Whoever will attempt
to finish the race
will be the last
that ever raced!

Only the wind
and by the wind
in everything else
I salute you
as it is yours
by the means
and the occasion,
while you will be mine
no matter what it is
you are
but divine.

Thank you!

As from the prophetic speech from the Rabbi L., you know who, when and how. Thank you.


Based off: A Thanksgiving Eve Message from Michael Moore

A quick question: very true Michael Moore but what you've never had you cannot want or ?
maybe not wanting enough Michael Moore ?

What you've never wanted before, Michael Moore STARWHEEL
A definition of not enough: Constructing the Statue of Liberty, assembling it piece by piece, 1886

Hawley S.: Thank you Michael for always telling it like it is. After i watched Fahrenheit 9/11 i felt sick about the many ways, revealed in the film , that the Dems had squandered the loyalty of, and outright betrayed poor and vulnerable Americans. Dem leaders keep believing if they present themselves as GOP lite, they deserve to rule. But the legions of embittered and disaffected formerly Dem voters no longer believe anything they say…not even Kamala who Michael rightly describes as the most intelligent person to ever have run for president. I really hope the Democratic leadership can figure this out and learn some lessons…and above all I hope there’s still time. (See more?)

Holly E.: "I refuse to live in a country like this -- and I'm not going anywhere."

Maralyn S.: Excellent read and this is the best quote ever from the article…

“Trump is currently forming — it’s like one of us wrote this script and he is unbelievably following it to the exact word! The Wrestling Lady will run our schools! The guy who beheads a whale, straps it to the top of his car and drops a dead bear he wanted to eat off in Central Park will be in charge of all our Health and Human Services! The weekend guy on Fox and Friends will be in charge of our 2 million soldiers and launching our nuclear missiles! And we actually got one of our own, an ex-Bernie campaigning Congresswoman who we all know really well, a crazed but lovely Hawaiian who looked higher than you at that Phish concert, to be in charge of all of our spy agencies!”

Brian O'N.: But shouldn’t it be the aspiration of all Americans, especially progressives? Over time your country has changed and in spite of what you say there are things that were common in America’s past that are common no more. The cost in getting there has been high, in too many cases very high. If you turn your back on those aspirants and those aspirations, you abandon the promise of America and leave it to the barbarians.

Lev B.: This was the righteous election outcome whether you like it or not. Your attack on the moral character of Americans who disagreed with you does not help your case.

The America I Want to Save Is the America We’ve Never Had by Michael Moore

A Thanksgiving Eve Message from Michael Moore

Read on but never enough ..

Geraldine D.: Well, at least this makes me feel a little better!
Trump didn't win the Popular Vote! Again!
"This morning it was announced that it appears the final count may now be in — and Trump has FAILED to win a majority of the popular vote. His final total, as of now, will be under 50% — or 49.83%.
This was no landslide. It was the smallest percentage of a popular vote victory in a Presidential election since Richard Nixon in 1968."

Geraldine D.: The America I Want to Save Is the America We’ve Never Had >>>

Violeta's intro:

It’s strange! It’s strange!
Those words are engraved in my heart!
Would true love be a misfortune for me?
What do you resolve, my troubled soul?
No man has ever enflamed you before.

Oh joy,
unknown to me, to be loved while loving!
And could I disdain it
for the barren follies of my life?

Ecce divina femina, aeternum numinis fulgorem praedicans;
universum ipsum femininum est.

With rain-bow deep gratitude to angelic Miklavž K. and her grace, Talita Sofija K. throughout the visible cosmos 🦻

eSpnordsto1511e6 4gt3 8MA9 06m4r26aaoc1atbh 3et472g1Ni80mv3:c · Shared with Friends, Anyone tagged, Friends of anyone tagged; Except: Aaron M., Silke A. S., Aleksander S., Fabienne H., Fern V. and 9 others

actsofdivinity #actsofdevotion #actsofpuresilence

not just the universe,
which is grateful to infinity,
but he is too!
Too gratefuLL?

Movember MMXXIV, just not yet but Try it - b o o k n o w i f a n y s p a c e s a r e l e f t !

She said before him, forever: "I am so grateful to share this moments with all these beautiful women at farm AZiza in FEs, MOrocco…
Amazing food, supported by nature, good vibes and lots of yoga…
Universe is so generous with that kind of presence…it’s a gift to be part of ot ❤️❤️❤️❤️"

Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger STARWHEEL

Ask Urša Kodela Lapan && Yoga Haus && Šola Življenja && Neva Neva Kamenik && Ana Pristavec && Katarina Keček Prva && Miranda Rumina && Katja Jurgecbricman && Masa Jelic && Viktorija Zimšek && please forgive me, ohh rich as the sinner of hope, if I ever forgot, unintended, due to the lack in perception of space herein and without, to maybe mention, not as the last, the first and the last, but S., my dear terrific and heart !!!???

Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger STARWHEEL
Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger STARWHEEL
Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger STARWHEEL
Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger STARWHEEL
Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger STARWHEEL

Not Just, the Universe, but the Sinner, like a Tiger!

:: with love and other commotions. I've never known how to spell it correctly, so grateful, might never will, but remorse, as the beauty, in this is unbearable, not disguised, an everlasting secret.


Many such cases (in existence but not yet, with the proof, of existence):

Heavily Contaminated by a Happy Wednesday STARWHEEL
Heavily Contaminated by a Happy Wednesday STARWHEEL
Heavily Contaminated by a Happy Wednesday STARWHEEL

Many such cases.
I'd rather say that the bourgeois ideology is contaminated by mathematics.

A greeting to the great fist?
Or a fist to the great greeting?
What will it be?

You know, we discussed
on the premises of time
about the options ant hand
so, how else to put it than this:
before, now and later?

You want it now?

A greeting to the great fist? We salute you! STARWHEEL

Please let's step out of it first.
Let's step out!
Get out!

(a rattle chain appears and a saw chain, and a hammer and a scythe and lots of rattlin-doo-we-do stuff which seems quite dangerous but same from afar as from a very close, unsafe distance. indeed)

A greeting to the great fist!
You're welcome.

actsofthegreatfist #actsofdisobedience #capitulationofthetime

everything is possible, jawji, until it is not impossible. From a distance, a gunshot was heard, but it was not the only one, so not dangerous.