January, the 26th, MMXVII
Celebration of Happiness
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This day, the 26th of January, has proclaimed me to be ~ and to become an Australian Citizen. Australia Day, National Holiday, at Marroochydoore's RSL Events Centre, with Maroochydoore's Mayor's speech. Just marvelous.
So that is it.
At 10:10
according to my watch
On January 26TH
M & M & X
& V & I & I
We are as one
We are as a nation
With tags attached
To each
On how to spell thy name.
God bless
and sunshine Coast.
Some propositions exist to change the day/date. Reasons are very clear but:
We shouldn't
Change the day
nor change a date
Reevaluating one
Wouldn't solve
The Two
I must say
Thank you Australian people.